
How To Get Your Wix Website Found On Google With Complete Google Search Console Tutorial

The most frequently asked question I regularly get is “How to get my Wix website found on Google?”. It is normal for anyone who wants to see their website on google after setting up a new site. Again being visible on the search engines is step 1 for getting traffic and customers from Google.

So, the first thing we have to do for getting our Wix website on google is to make our site index on google and other search engines. Let’s talk about Google first and then we will see how to index websites on other search engines.

How To Get Your Wix Website On Google

In past we had to make sure we are allowing our Wix website to be searched by Google crawler. But recently we do not need to do this as Wix allow all site to be searchable by default. You should still check it is “On” by following this path Dashboard> Marketing & SEO>General SEO Settings

Log in to your Wix dashboard

General Optimization In Dashboard

Now, go to Dashboard> Marketing & SEO> Get Found On Google

After clicking on “Start Now”. You will be lead to another page. There you will be asked your Business Name or Site Name. It will be your site title. Write a nice site title. Do not be much picky this time. You can edit this anytime later. Click on “Next”.

Now, You will be asked about your Business location. If you have a Physical address or you provide local service add your address here. If your service online and worldwide then click on the “Online Only” option. Click “Next” when you are ready.

In this page you need to add 3 Keyword that described your business best. Click “Create SEO Plan” when you are ready.

Now we are in Wix SEO Wiz – a powerful SEO tool provided by Wix. Here we have to optimize something. There are several steps you can see. We have already done some steps. Now fill up other fields. Add your home page description. Here make sure you write specifically about your business or service you provide in a few sentences. It will be your Meta description. And people will see in the google blow your title. Google shows 160 characters of the meta description on their search engine result page. Add your home page keywords 1 or 2 times in the description. (I will discuss how to write Title and Description properly with the Keyword Research tutorial soon in another blog post.)

To do so, Click on “Go to Wix ADI”. By clicking you will be lead to another page.

Here you have to again write the Home Page title, description, and keywords. One thing to be aware of is, do not check the option saying, “Hide this page from a search result”. If you do so, your site will reject Google Spider to crawl this page. Publish your page again.

When you are done, back to the previous page of SEO Wiz. And click “Refresh”

We are done here. Now we are going to open and optimize Google Search Console.

You can do it in 2 ways. One by clicking “Connect to Google” in deshboard will lead to the search console page. You can integrate your site with google through this. But I am going to show you another method – The manual method.

Setting up Google Search Console

Google search console – previously known as Google Webmaster tool is a magnificent tool that allows the webmaster to maintain, monitor & troubleshoot their website’s performance on Google search result page. Through this tool, you can easily track your site index status, SEO status, AMP, and ranking. You can also check sites that are linking your site also.

First, go to Google Search Console. Sign up or log in by using your Gmail ID. Now you are in the search console Dashboard. Click “Add Property” from the top left corner. A pop-up will be open. There is two option. One for the domain that will need DNS verification. It will be complex for you. We will go for the “URL Prefix” option. Paste your domain name with .com (Or other extensions) there. I prefer to add “www” before the domain name, some prefer as just This option allow multiple verification processes which are easy to perform. Click “Continue” when you are ready.

You will find several option here. Click on “HTML Tag”. Copy the HTML Tag.

As they say we have to paste this HTML Code into <head> section of our website. Don’t be worried! It will not be that hard. Now keep this tab as it is. Go back to your Wix dashboard. Follow this path:

Dashboard> Marketing & SEO> SEO Tools. Then click on the “Site verification” box. And click again on “Google Search Console”

Paste the HTML Code you copied from search console. And click on “Save”.

You may notice here, there is also an option for Bing, Yandex webmaster verification. Keep this in mind for now. If you want to your website on Bing, you have to do the same as the google search console. You can verify your Pinterest also here.

So, back to the topic. Go back to the search console dashboard. Click on “Verify”.

If you have done everything correctly till now. You should see a Pop Up like this –

Click “Go to Property” to see your property.

We are done. Wait some time. Usually, it takes a maximum of a day for the crawler to crawl your website. You can check your index status by searching ‘site: URL” in Google. When it is indexed you will see something like this-

How to index my Wix website on google faster?

Although it is an automatic process. We can definitely make this process faster by using some techniques. The idea behind this is to invite Google search spiders to crawl your website. Here are some techniques you can apply:

  • Check your site speed in Google Page Speed insights.
  • Add your site to big social media profiles such as Twitter, Reddit, Linkedin, Pinterest
  • Share your site on Twitter, Reddit, Linkedin, Pinterest.
  • Join QA sites like Quora or public forums around your niches and make a post there about your business or service and share a link.
  • Optimizing your robots.txt and submit XML Sitemap

How to get found your website on Bing Yahoo or other search engines?

Once your website is on Google, your website will be indexed on Bing, Yahoo, and other search engines naturally. For Bing, it’s better to set up the Bing webmaster tool., yahoo automatically indexes your site once you start SEO or internet marketing. We usually do not put much effort into it as Google is our ultimate target and most frequently used search engine.

What to do now?

So, your website will be found on google soon. The next thing to do is to pay attention to SEO. Now your site is found in google when someone searches for your website name or link or business name. But very few people will search for this. But there are a huge amount of people are searching for your service or keywords. Other websites are competing for top positions to get those traffic. Without SEO you can not beat them and achieve that position.

Things from now will become much tricky and technical. In the Wix SEO tool, you may see there are several options for optimization. After optimizing this you have to optimize all other pages and do off-page SEO as well. If you think you can do it; you can give it a try. There are plenty of resources out there about it. I also share a lot of resources, information, and tutorial about SEO. Or if you feel this job is not for you, feel free to knock me. I will help you with this. It’s better to get your SEO done by an expert. Once your site SEO is messed up, it will be very hard to recover.

As we have learned about Google Search Console, I think you should know its features. It will help you to understand certain things in the future. Also, knowledge about search consoles is necessary for all webmaster to maintain their website status on google. Here is an article I found from Hubspot, The Ultimate Guide to Google Search Console in 2021 will be more than enough for you. If you don’t like to read much like me, here is also a video tutorial by Ahref for you.

Do not get overwhelmed after reading huge tutorial or video. I just shared with you so that you can get some idea. You don’t have to learn all of them. Just keep a basic idea about it. Hope you have done all things right. Feel free to share your ideas with me.

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